Name of the Project : Jorong Tourism Zone, South Kalimantan
Total Investment :
APBN-APBD Source :
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme :
Location : Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan
Implementing Agency : Head of Office of Regional Development Planning Board (Ka. Bappeda) of Tanah Bumbu District
Head of Sub Directorate II Ministry of Industry
Planned Construction Commencement Date :
Planned Commercial Operation Date :
Latest Status :  

Preparation of a Masterplan document (2015), Strategic Planning of Industrial Zone Development (2015), and Detailed Spatial Planning/RDTR (2015);
Coordination of development acceleration of Jorong Industrial Zone;
Related coordination with Asam-Asam Coal-Fired Power Plant (PLTU Asam-Asam) unit 3 and 4 with the capacity of 2x65MW connected with 150 KV High Voltage Line (SUTT) Asam-Asam Substation in Jorong District.
Coordination of transportation plan:
Airport construction of Maluku Baulin
Banjarmasin-Palangkaraya railway construction
Construction of coal train railway networkConstruction of Tanjung Ayun-Tarjun bridge

Anchor industry that have been readu to enter the industrial zone, works with Regional Company (PERUSDA) for the fulfilment of raw materials;
Formation of Seaport Authority or Seaport Business Entity by Tanah Laut Regent
Acceleration of the provision of supporting infrastructure (seaport).
Formation of Governing Body of the Industrial Zone.

Formation of a Team to Accelerate Development of Industrial Zone.
Implementation of Stage I Land Acquisition of 60 Ha land.

Description of Project

Jorong Industrial Zone in South Kalimantan will be built on a land of 6.370 Ha