Name of the Project : Bintuni Bay Industrial Zone, West Papua
Total Investment : Rp.31,400 Trillion
APBN-APBD Source : State Budget
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme : State Budget, State-Owned Enterprise
Location : Bintuni Bay, West Papua
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Industry
Planned Construction Commencement Date :
Planned Commercial Operation Date :
Latest Status :  The status of the land is Other Use Area (APL) and the National Land Agency (BPN) for West Papua Province has measured the land ;
An agreement with local indigenous people on the use of land in the region for Industrial Zone has been reached;
Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Task Force (SKK Migas) from BP Berau has reached an agreement on the gas allocation with PT Pupuk Indonesia;
Ministry of Industry has drawn up technical materials of Detailed Spatial Planning ((RDTR) in the vicinity of the industrial zone;
Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise has determined PT Pupuk Indonesia as a managing company of Bintuni Bay Industrial Zone;

Description of Project

Bintuni Bay Industrial Zone is located in Onar Baru Distrik Sumuri Village, in the District of Bintuni Bay West Papua on a land measuring ±2112 Ha. The fertilizer-based industry and petrochemical industry has a total investment value of ± Rp 31,4 Trillion