Name of the Project :  Ulujami – Tanah Abang Toll Road, 8,7km  (part of 6 sections of Jakarta Inner Ring Road)
Total Investment : Rp 6,114 Trillion
APBN-APBD Source :
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme : Private
Location : South Jakarta, The Province of Special Capital Territory of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta)
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing c.q. Indonesia Toll Road Authority
Planned Construction Commencement Date : January 2020
Planned Commercial Operation Date : July 2022
Latest Status : Land Progress
• Pasar minggu – Casablanca, 9,16 Km : 0%

Description of Project

The 6 sections of Jakarta Inner Ring Road will be integrated with other public transportation network systems such as commuter trains and Busway. Consequently, people are encouraged to use public transportation and reduce traffic congestion in the existing roads.