Name of the Project : Serang – Panimbang (83,6 km) Toll Road
Total Investment : Rp 11,380 Trillion
APBN-APBD Source :
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme : PRIVATE
Location : Serang,Banten
Implementing Agency : Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing c.q. Indonesia Toll Road Authority
Planned Construction Commencement Date : 2017
Planned Commercial Operation Date : 2019
Latest Status : Bidding

Description of Project

The 83,9 Km long toll road development aims at providing access to Tanjung Lesung and Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon Special Economic Zone (KEK). The project will be planned to be carried out in three sections, i.e.:
Section I Serang – Rangkasbitung;
Section II Rangkasbitung – Bojong;
Section III Bojong – Panimbang.