KPPIP is an inter-ministerial/government institutional committee with the following organizational structure:


Committee (Ministerial Level)

Committee (Ministerial Level)

As stipulated in the Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2014, KPPIP is chaired by the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs with a membership comprising of: the Minister of the National Development Planning, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning. A revision of the Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2014 will add the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and the Minister of Environment and Forestry as the Committee member.

The abovementioned Committee membership has been structured to respond to the main mandate of KPPIP, which is to focus on project preparation quality improvement as well as debottlenecking in order to accelerate the development of the priority projects. The membership is therefore comprised of only the Ministries/Institutions that have inter-sectoral authorities and frequently deal with the technical Ministries that execute the infrastructure projects.

In addition to the above, the involvement of Ministry of Finance from project preparation stage is expected to improve coordination needed for granting government support, both in mechanism and implementation level.

Implementation Team

 As described in the Decree of the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs No. 127 of 2015, the Implementation Team is a collective decision-making team comprising of Echelon I officials and is chaired by the Deputy Minister for Coordination of Infrastructure and Regional Development Acceleration of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs. To support the Chairman, the Expert Staff of Regional Development of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs is appointed as the Secretary. The Team consists of the following members:
  1. Deputy Minister for Management of Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs;
  2. Deputy Minister for Infrastructure of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs;
  3. Director General of Budgeting of the Ministry of Finance;
  4. Director General of Financing and Risk Management of the Ministry of Finance;
  5. Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Affairs of Bappenas;
  6. Director General of Land Acquisition of the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning;
  7. Director General of Foresty Planology and Environmental Management of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry;
  8. Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises;
  9. Director General of Science, Technology, and Higher Education of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education;
  10. Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs;
  11. Director General of Regional Financial Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs.


As for the responsibilities, the Implementation Team is formed to assist the Committee in:

  1. Developing strategic plans and policies to accelerate priority infrastructure delivery;
  2. Monitoring the implementation of strategies and policies for the acceleration of priority infrastructure delivery;
  3. Facilitating capacity building of state apparatuses and institutions in delivering the priority infrastructure projects;
  4. Determining the standard of pre-feasibility study and its evaluation procedures;
  5. Facilitating preparation of the priority infrastructures;
  6. Developing an inventory of problems and barriers as well as conveying recommendations in solving the problems arising from the priority infrastructure delivery.

Working Team

As stipulated in the Presidential Regulation No. 75 of 2014, the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, as the Chairman of KPPIP, is given an authority to form a sectoral work team and an inter-sectoral work team whenever required. In its implementation, the work team for Acceleration of Electricity Infrastructure Delivery has been established by a virtue of the Decree of the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, as the Chairman of KPPIP (Decree No. 129 of 2015). The Electricity Work Team is chaired by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and it becomes the legal basis for establishing the Implementation Unit for National Electricity Development Program (UP3KN). The unit establishment will be further regulated in a derivative regulation to be issued by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Apart from the UP3KN work unit, the work team for Acceleration of Bontang Refinery Development has also been established by a virtue of the Decree of the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, as the Chairman of KPPIP (Decree No. 159 of 2015). This Refinery Work Team has a mandate to ensure that implementation of the Bontang Refinery Development meet the target schedule as specified in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

Furthermore, KPPIP is currently drafting a ministerial decree for the establishment of the Work Team for Acceleration of Land Acquisiton for Priority Infrastructure Projects. The draft was developed in coordination with the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning.



Project Management Office (PMO)

To support the decision making process by the Implementation Team and the Committee, KPPIP is equipped with a Project Management Office (PMO), which comprises of professional experts in their respective elds. PMO has a responsibility to provide recommendations to the Implementation Team in the selection of and in the implementation of the priority projects as well as in problem solving.

PMO consists of a Program Director as the head of PMO, who is tasked to ensure achievement of the KPPIP’s mandate, to provide policy recommendations to the Implementation Team, to develop KPPIP organization, to ensure the implementation of the priority project delivery, and to build capacity as well as to improve regulations supporting the priority infastructure delivery.

The Program Director is supported by a team of senior experts specialized in port, airport, train, energy and electricity, and water resources. These experts, namely Sector Directors, are responsible to ensure that projects in their respective sector are well-prepared and to drive the project implementation up to the construction phase. For projects that are already in the construction phase, the Sector Directors are responsible to ensure that the project delivery is on time and to provide supports to troubleshoot any emerging issue. Moreover, the Sector Directors are also required to analyze constraints on the project delivery, needs for regulation improvements and other acceleration efforts in his/her sector, which in the long run, could be applied to other projects.