Name of the Project : Kuala Tanjung Industrial Zone, North Sumatera 
Total Investment :
APBN-APBD Source :
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme :
Location : Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatera
Implementing Agency :
Planned Construction Commencement Date :
Planned Commercial Operation Date :
Latest Status :  Masterplan document has been prepared (2013), Stretagic Plan of Industrial Zone development (2013), Financial economic feasibility (2013). Detailed Engineering Design /DED (2015) and Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR) in the vicinity of the industrial zone (2015).
Coordinating institutional patern and the status of land ownership with PT Inalum
Preparing development plan of logistic system in Kuala Tanjung Industrial Zone (2015)
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among 5 State-Owned Enterprises/BUMN (PT. INALUM, PT. PELINDO I, PT.KIM, PTPN III, dan PT. Pertamina_ as a consortium that will build and develop Kuala Tanjung industrial zone
Coordination of infrastructure development are as follows:
Kuala Tanjung Seaport will be built by PT Pelindo I : railway from Bandar Tinggi-Kuala Tanjung, Undertake a review of Neighborhood Unit and Community Unit (RTRW), Development of multipurpose seaport on the land part by PT. Pelindo I on a 12 Ha land
Compensation of land acquisition for railway construction has been paid (from Tebing Tinggi to Batubara) to 46 Km Multipurpose seaport, Settlement of Sea Zoning bylaw has reached North Sumatera Province 

Description of Project