Name of the Project : Ngawi – Kertosono Toll Road (87km)
Total Investment : Rp 3,830 Trillion
APBN-APBD Source :
Private Source :
Source Not Yet Determined :
Funding Scheme : Public-Private Partnership
Location : Ngawi, East Java
Implementing Agency : PT. Hutama Karya (Persero) Toll Road Division
Planned Construction Commencement Date : January 2012
Planned Commercial Operation Date : 2018
Latest Status : Construction
BUJT Section
Section I (IC Ngawi – IC Madiun) 37,85%
Section II (IC Madiun – IC Caruban) 47,27%
Section III (IC Caruban – IC Nganjuk) 49,92%
Total 45,01%
Government Section
Section IV (Saradan – Kertosono) 9,70%
BUJT Section
Section I (IC Ngawi – IC Madiun) 95,51%
Section II (IC Madiun – IC Caruban) 84,88%
Section III (IC Caruban – IC Nganjuk) 91,92%
Total 92,17%
Government Section
Section IV (Saradan – Kertosono) 85,47%


Description of Project

This toll road is part of Trans Java toll road network which has important roles in propelling economic activities and, at the same time, connects Central Java and East Java Provinces.